
Computer electronics

The purpose of teaching the credit module "Computer Electronics" is the disclosure of modern scientific concepts, concepts, methods and technologies for creating circuit analog components of computer technology and studying modern ways of using electronic devices for computer design.
The tasks of studying the credit module are:
- mastering the fundamentals of the physical principles of the operation and structure of electronic devices and the properties of the pn junction, the contact phenomena in it;
- assimilation of the principle of operation, parametric relationship and circuits for the inclusion of semiconductor and photoelectronic devices - diodes, bipolar and unipolar transistors with controlled pn junction and with isolated gates, thyristors, photoresistors, photo and LEDs, phototransistors and photomultipliers.
- mastering the principles of analysis and synthesis of typical electronic components and devices; amplifying stages, operational amplifiers, comparators, signal generators and timers, schemes for transmitting and displaying information, modulation and demodulation.
- mastering the principles of operation, methods for calculating and protecting power supplies and current conversion circuits.


Vinogradov Yuriy
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