
Admission to the 1st course 2024


Information on admission to the first course on the official site of the admissions committee

The department carries out training of students in the following specialties:

Specialty: 123 "Computer Engineering"
Specialty: 121 "Software Engineering"

Specialty: 123 "Computer Engineering"

Specialization: 123.2040.1 Computer Systems and Networks
Form of training:External education,Full-time form
External exam: Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics, physics or foreign language
Studying: Programming, development, support and support of wide-range software and hardware systems on the basis of a balanced and efficient combination of software and hardware components of modern and advanced computer systems, including: application and system programming, software and hardware support; programming and development of embedded systems of various purposes within the concept of the Internet of things and mobile applications; development and optimization of databases; development, configuration and upgrading of server and client systems of local and global computer networks; tools for supporting the programming process, etc.
Specialization: 123.2040.2 Programming Technologies for Computer Systems and Networks
Form of training:External education,Full-time form
External exam: Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics, physics or foreign language
Studying: Programming, maintenance and support of software systems of various purposes with adaptation on various hardware platforms and efficient combination of software and hardware components of modern and advanced computer systems, including: programming technologies, paradigms and programming styles; algorithms and their implementation for solving typical problems in different problem areas and their methods of application; hardware-software platforms, standard libraries and tools for supporting programming systems; technologies of constructing embedded systems and software; methodology and technology of designing and using databases; modern compilers, tools for debugging and optimizing software code, etc.

Apply now. Fall semester 2024/25

Specialty: 121 "Software Engineering"

Specialization: 121.2040.1 Software for high-performance computer systems and networks
Form of training:External education,Full-time form
External exam: Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics, physics or foreign language

Studying: The development and maintenance of software is widely used on the basis of analysis and optimization of productivity and throughput of current and future computer systems for open and corporate applications, including: service-oriented, monolithic, distributed and peer-to-peer systems; mobile, desktop, web-oriented, server-based, cloud-based and built-in, high-capacity, high-availability and highly reliable systems; systems with elements of artificial intelligence and systems for analyzing and processing large volumes of data using multi-core and many server systems and large memory arrays, multimedia software including graphic accelerators; systems based on databases and knowledge; software tools for information protection in computer systems. And also methods of verification and validation of software; methods of quality evaluation and testing of software products; risk assessment, reengineering, refactoring; language of description of architecture and interface, methods of software design.

Students can simultaneously study at the University of Merseburg (Germany) with a bachelor's or master's degree, as well as undergraduate graduates can simultaneously receive a master's degree at the University of Le Mans (France) in the fields of "Man and Computer" or "Architecture real-time computer systems ".

The first Ukrainian Education and Research Center opened by Hewlett-Packard (HP) operates at the department. The goal of the center is to provide support to higher education institutions of Ukraine in the preparation of high-level IT professionals and to provide students with access to state-of-the-art computer technologies. Students undergo training on HP server technologies and receive an international certificate.

Since the third year of study, students have the opportunity to study at the Military Department and receive the rank of junior lieutenant of the reserve.

Apply now. Fall semester 2024/25

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