Lines of scientific work
The scientific school of department was founded in 1960. Till 2010, the main line of scientific work was - "High-performance computer systems and networks: theory, methods and means of their hardware and software implementation".
The department is known for its scientific work, which is reflected in 46 books, 162 textbooks and manuals, 850 patents, and, the last but not the least, in the training of highly qualified specialists through graduate and doctoral studies. The Department is represented in Ukraine and 18 other countries by over 200 PhD’s and Doctors of Computer Science.
Since 2010 the department has changed its main line of work to "Theory of network information technologies, methods and means of hardware and software implementation of high-performance computer systems and networks, focused on distributed data processing in cluster, GRID and Cloud environments".
The Head of the Department is S. G. Stirenko, Professor, Doctor of Computer Science.
Science areas: Information technology, information and communication technologies in education, mathematics and software of computers systems, mathematical modelling and computational methods, systems with artificial intelligence, system security, systems for automated and computer-aided design, computer systems and components, electronics.
In forming the scientific line of the department, the Department takes account of art. 3 of
"Priorities for Science and Technology in 2020" Law of Ukraine, adopted by Verkhovna Rada
of Ukraine 09.09.2010, On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On the priority areas of
science and technology". In accordance with this Law, the second of the six areas listed is: "2)
information and communication technologies". The line was adopted on 10.4.2010, based on
the Department's scientific tradition and the lines of scientific and technical activities of its