
Klymenko Iryna

Scientific interests:

Methods and tools for increasing the efficiency of parallel computing in multiprocessor and distributed systems.

Education and Academic Career:


In 2017 – defended doctoral dissertation on the topic “Methods and facilities of improving the efficiency of information processing in the reconfigurable computer systems on FPGA” on the specialty 05.13.05 Computer systems and components.

In 2007 – defended PhD thesis on the topic “The dynamic routing method with quality of service support in mobile computer networks” on the specialty 05.13.05 Computer systems and components.


Teaching works, supervising and mentoractivities

Teaching courses in the educational program “Computer Engineering” in the specialty “Computer Systems and Networks” for bachelors: “Computer logic”, “Computer arithmetic”, “Computer architecture”, “Microprocessor systems”, “Networking”; for masters: “Research and design of reconfigurable systems”, “Programming for specialized processors”; for PhD students:

The one of authors and the supervisor of the certificate program “Embedded systems and IoT” at The Ihor Sikorskyi Kyiv Polytechnic Institute which includes training courses: “C programming for embedded systems”, “Programming for STM32 microcontrollers”, “Digital design on FPGA”, “Quality Assurance (QA) for Embedded Systems”, “Real Time Embedded Systems”.

The mentor of the training “The Embedded\Networking QA BaseCamp” which is held at the Ihor Sikorskyi Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in cooperation with the GlobalLogic Ukraine company for university students and searchers for the Quality Assurance Engineer position.

Working with masters and postgraduate students.


Architecture of computers-1. Arithmetic and control devices
Architecture of computers-2. processors
Architecture of computers-3. microprocessor means
Computer architecture
Computer Circuitry
Designing computer systems
Research and design of computer systems


Сторінка викладача в системі "Інтелект"
Контактні телефони: +38 044 204 90 43

Klymenko Iryna professor, ScD of Computer Science
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