Jabin Valeriyi
Scientific interests:
Development and research of methods of improving the efficiency of information processing in the off-line and non-autonomous (on-line) modes. Methods and tools for increasing the efficiency of parallel computing in multiprocessor and distributed systems.
Контактні телефони: +38 044 204 90 43
Congratulations on the updated site! We are refining and updating information. We look forward to your feedback and suggestions. If you noticed a mistake, please let us know
27 June
FICT is deeply saddened to announce that on June 27, 2024, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Lutskyi Georgy Mykhailovych passed away.8 June
How KPI students are saving Ukraine20 May
Morning broadcast on Ukrainian Radio18 May
Innovative activity and expansion of opportunities for cooperation with state institutions2 May
Conducting a competitive selection of higher education applicants of KPI named after Igor Sikorsky under the "NAWA" programfinish what you start